Did you know that neglected and dirty HVAC units are the number one reason for system failure? This is why we highly suggest that all homeowners inspect their heating, ventilation, and air conditioning unit at least two times a year to prevent any costly problems and catch any issues early on.
How do you inspect your HVAC system? Well, we would feel more comfortable if you called the experts here at KAC Express to perform a thorough HVAC system inspection since we have the skills and knowledge to know exactly what to look for. But we understand that many homeowners would prefer to go with the DIY approach and check things out themselves first, so we created a simple checklist of things to keep an eye out for while you are assessing your air conditioning maintenance or heating repair needs.
ü Have you recently conducted filter inspections? Are your air filters dust-free?
ü Have you been cleaning or replacing your air filter once a month?
ü Are leaves stuck in your air duct?
ü Is the tape peeling around the ductwork?
ü Are there loose fittings around the seams of your HVAC system’s ductwork?
ü Do you have dirt streaks near the ductwork? If so it could be signs that air is escaping.
ü Does your ductwork have dents in the metal?
ü Do you see any collapsed or torn sections of flex in the ductwork?
ü Is the thermostat working properly? Does the air turn off automatically when it hits the preset temperature?
ü Are your condensate drains clogged? Is rust forming there? If so, it can lead to bacteria and mold growth.
ü Have you cleaned your grills and registers recently? Do you have any pieces of furniture obstructing air flow?
ü Is there a steady blue flame being produced in your furnace? If the flame is flickering yellow or orange in your HVAC’s furnace it can be a sign of a combustion problem.
ü Are the side panels on your furnace closed and fastened properly?
ü Do you have plants or leaves blocking your air conditioning compressor?
ü Are your condenser unit fins straight? Do they appear to be damaged?
ü Do the fan blades appear bent inside your AC compressor?
If you answered yes to any of these questions it is important that you schedule a maintenance appointment with our team of professionals immediately. Checking for problems and inspecting your HVAC system is a great do it yourself project for those who choose to go that route but fixing a heating, ventilation, and air conditioning unit is serious business and takes not only specific skills and knowledge but also certain certifications.
Tip: Under the law it is illegal to discharge refrigerants in the air and requires a certified technician to recharge any HVAC unit.